Hotel Sibylla - Delphi Greece - +30.22650.82335
Delphi - Greece - Sibylla Hotel

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Sibylla Hotel, hotel tips


Rates: Send your request and we will give you the best available rate according to the season and the type of the room.
Conditions: - A credit card's number and expiration date is required upon confirmation of the reservation.
Card info is provided as a warranty for the stay and must be valid through the date of arrival.
No charges on the credit card in advance.

- Release period: Up to 8 days priore to arrival ( 7-4 days: 50% charge, 3-0 days : full charge)

- In the event of no-show the entire booking amount is charged.

- Cancellations or alterations are accepted only via e-mail or fax. Phone cancellations/alterations are not accepted.

- Alterations are subject to the availability of the hotel.

- Check-in time : 11.30am to 10.30pm

- Check-out time : 11.00am

- Please call or notify the hotel by e-mail to arrange a late check-in.
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